What is Teaching in France Really Like? TAPIF Diary #4
February 2020 We have once again reached the end of another month with the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF)! Jalen and I have been up to our usual activities: roaming around Troyes, travelling around France, and creating and implementing…
How to Find Affordable Housing for TAPIF
One of the first major tasks to accomplish after arriving in France to participate in the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) is securing housing. Since assistants are responsible for finding their own housing, everyone’s living situation is different. Some…
Five Reasons Music is a Beneficial French-Learning Resource
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, “Music is the universal language of mankind.” While it is true that music can make you feel something whether you understand the lyrics or not, listening to music in your target language is a wonderful addition…
Everything You Need to Know About TAPIF Orientation
During our year with the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF), Jalen and I participated in two orientation sessions. One took place at the very beginning of our contract in October, and the other happened in January, about midway through…
What is Teaching in France Really Like? TAPIF Diary #3
January 2020 This month with the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) went by in the blink of an eye! As usual, we’ve been having fun travelling, hanging out in Troyes, and teaching English classes to French middle and high…
Everything You Need to Pack to Move Abroad For TAPIF
Packing to move abroad can be an overwhelming task. Jalen and I spent weeks over the summer figuring out how to fit all of our belongings into just a few pieces of luggage before we left for the Teaching Assistant…