Studying in France as Americans: Month Five, Exams, Classes, and Fun!
Jalen and I have officially spent five months in France pursuing our master’s degrees in Logistics and Public Law respectively at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne! Keep reading to learn what we got into this month.
On the week of January 4th, I took two of my five first-semester oral exams and Jalen began his second semester classes. The following week, I finished up my three remaining oral exams and started my second semester classes on January 18th.
It’s very early in the semester, but Jalen has taken particular interest in his Achats à l’International class and I think that my Histoire des Idées Politiques class is going to be thought-provoking.
Because of the sanitary restrictions that France has in place to combat COVID-19, all of my oral exams and all of our classes this semester have taken place online. France’s nation-wide COVID-19 curfew was reinforced this month and now is in effect from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM daily. We are crossing our fingers that the situation will improve and that a third confinement won’t be necessary!
However, thanks to a new, COVID-19-related initiative at our university aimed at supporting étudiants fragiles, or students in the most trying situations, including first-year students, international students, disabled students, and students with limited access to technology, I’ve been able to have one meeting on campus with an academic support group run by a student tutor. I’m excited to see the impact of this group on my second semester!
Jalen and I made time to have fun this month as well. On January 16th, it snowed all over France, including in our city, Reims! We both love winter weather and spent the whole day outside, walking in the snow and snapping pictures of our beautiful city.

We also got to attend a thrifting event in Reims where all of the vintage clothes and accessories were priced per kilo. We love buying second-hand clothing because it’s good for the planet and for our wallets! Jalen got a cool pair of eighties track pants and I got a few unique tops. It was nice to spend time together outside of our apartment doing something that we really enjoy!
As always, if you have any questions or want to know more, leave us a comment down below!
Check out this month’s update video!
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Check out our video about our daily life as students in France!
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