How to Exchange Your Foreign Driver’s License for a French One: Our Experience as Americans in France
Would you believe that in our five years of living in France as Americans, we’ve never gotten behind the wheel of a car? Though Maria and I are grateful to have left our car-centric habits back in the United States, we’re still excited to share that we now hold French driver’s licenses! Since we’ve recently gone through the process of exchanging our American driver’s licenses for French ones, we are ready to give you the details about how and why we did it.
Foreign, non-European driver’s licenses generally remain valid for use in France for one year from the acquisition of “normal residency” in the country. To continue driving in France beyond this time frame, foreign license holders have to obtain a French license. Some driver’s licenses are eligible to be exchanged for French ones, like ours from Virginia, while other licenses aren’t exchangeable at all. In the latter case, foreign license holders will need to take the French driving test.
We fell into the category of foreigners who have one year from the acquisition of normal residency in France to initiate the license exchange process. According to the French government, a person has normal residency in the country where they stay 185 days or more per calendar year for personal or professional reasons. How, then, did we receive our French licenses in 2024 when we first moved to France in 2019? Here’s a table that explains why we only became eligible to exchange our licenses in 2023.
Year | 185 days or more spent in France per calendar year? | License Exchange Eligibility | Reason for Eligibility Status |
2019 | No | Ineligible | Normal residency not acquired |
2020 | Yes | Ineligible | Students with a titre de séjour étudiant (student residence permit) cannot exchange their license |
2021 | Yes | Ineligible | Students with a titre de séjour étudiant (student residence permit) cannot exchange their license |
2022 | Yes | Ineligible | Holders of a titre de séjour recherche d’emploi ou création d’entreprise (job seeker/new business creator residence permit) cannot exchange their license |
2023 | Yes | Eligible | Holders of a titre de séjour salarié (salaried worker residence permit) may exchange their license |
Once we knew the clock was ticking on our year to swap our American licenses for French ones, we got started gathering the necessary documents and filling out the online application. We recommend doing thorough research in advance about your own eligibility so that you don’t miss your chance to exchange your license (thereby making the French driving test mandatory!).
How to Complete the Online Application
The exchange process took place online, via France Titres, formerly known as the Agence nationale des titres sécurisés (ANTS). Here’s what to expect after you log in.
1. Motif de la demande (Reason for application)
Motif de la demande (Reason for application)
- Je m’inscris pour pouvoir me présenter aux épreuves du permis de conduire ou dans le cadre d’une formation de conducteur (I am registering for a driving test or training course)
- Je demande la fabrication d’un titre de permis de conduire (I am requesting to have a driver’s license made)
- Je demande un permis de conduire international (I am applying for an International Driving Permit)
- Je demande l’échange de mon permis de conduire étranger ou obtenu dans une COM (Nouvelle-Calédonie, Polynésie française, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Wallis et Futuna) [I’m applying to exchange my foreign driver’s license, or one obtained in an overseas collectivity (New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Wallis and Futuna)]
- Si ma profession relève de l’un de ces métiers (taxis, VTC, ambulanciers, ramassage scolaire ou de transport public de personnes), je demande la vérification de mon permis délivré par un pays de l’Union Européenne ou de l’Espace Économique Européen [I work in one of these professions (taxi driver, vehicle for hire, ambulance driver, school bus driver or public transport driver) and am requesting verification of my license issued by a European Union or European Economic Area country]
- Je souhaite signaler une erreur sur mon permis de conduire reçu il y a moins de 6 mois ou constatée sur mon dossier d’inscription (I wish to report an error on my driver’s license received less than 6 months ago, or on my application form)
Vous effectuez la demande (You are applying)
- pour une personne majeure ou mineure émancipée (for an adult or an emancipated minor)
- pour une personne mineure (for a minor)
Il s’agit (This request is for)
- d’une échange de mon permis de conduire étranger, ou obtenu dans une COM (an exchange of my foreign driver’s license, or one obtained in an overseas collectivity)
- d’une demande de rétablissement (vous avez déjà détenu un permis en France métropolitaine, dans l’un des département et régions d’outre-mer ou à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) [reinstatement (if you have already held a license in mainland France, one of the overseas departments and regions or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)]
Merci de cocher si vrai (Please check if applicable)
- J’ai déjà effectué une demande par courrier pour le même motif, à laquelle je n’ai pas encore reçu de réponse (I have already made an application by mail for the same reason, to which I have not yet received a reply)
- Pays ou collectivité de délivrance (Country or collectivity of issue)
- Avez-vous un titre de séjour avec la mention « étudiant » ? (Do you have a student residence permit?)
- Avez-vous un titre de séjour avec l’une des mentions suivantes ? (Do you have any of the following residence permit types?)
- Recherche d’emploi ou création d’entreprise, Jeune au pair, Visa vacances-travail, Retraité, Stagiaire, Saisonnier, Travailleur temporaire (délivré pour moins de 185 jours) [Job seeker or business creator, Au pair, Work-holiday visa, Retiree, Intern, Seasonal worker, Temporary worker (issued for les than 185 days)]
- Avez-vous un titre de séjour spécial du Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères (MEAE) ? (Do you have a special residence permit from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs [MEAE]?)
- Votre permis étranger, est-il actuellement annulé, suspendu ou retiré en France à la suite d’une infraction ? (Is your foreign license currently cancelled, suspended or withdrawn in France following an offence?)
- Avez-vous perdu votre titre de permis de conduire étranger ou vous a-t-il été volé ? (Have you lost your foreign driver’s license or has it been stolen?)
- Quelle est votre nationalité ? (What is your nationality?)
- Êtes-vous sous un statut de protection internationale ? (Do you have international protection status?)
- Quel est votre numéro AGDREF ? (What is your AGDREF number?)
- Êtes-vous atteint, à votre connaissance, d’une affection et/ou d’un handicap susceptible d’être incompatible avec l’obtention ou le maintien du permis de conduire ou de donner lieu à la délivrance d’un permis de conduire de validité limitée ? (Do you have, to the best of your knowledge, any medical condition and/or disability likely to be incompatible with obtaining or maintaining a driver’s license, or likely to necessitate the issue of a limited validity driver’s license?)
- Possedez-vous des catégories lourdes ? (Do you have any heavyweight vehicle certifications?)
2. Etat Civil (Personal Details)
Etat civil de la personne concernée par la demande (Personal details of applicant)
- Nom de naissance (Birth last name)
- Nom d’usage (Preferred last name)
- Sexe (Gender)
- 1er prénom (First name)
- 2ème prénom (Middle name)
- Date de naissance (Date of birth)
- Pays de naissance (Country of birth)
- Commune de naissance (Place of birth)
3. Adresse et Contact (Address and Contact Information)
Adresse de la personne concernée (Address of applicant)
- Adresse (Address)
- Complément d’adresse (Address Line 2)
Coordonnées où l’on peut vous joindre (Contact information)
- Adresse mél (Email address)
- Téléphone portable (Cell phone)
- Je possède un numéro de téléphone portable étranger ou d’une collectivité d’outre-mer (I have a foreign or overseas collectivity cell phone number)
Vérification simple de votre adresse (Simple address check)
- Je souhaite bénéficier du dispositif « Justif’Adresse » qui permet au Ministère de l’intérieur de vérifier mon adresse de façon automatisée auprès d’un fournisseur de service de mon choix. Si cette vérification aboutit, elle me dispensera de fournir un justificatif de domicile. Il est néanmoins possible que cette vérification n’aboutisse pas ; dans ce cas, je devrai fournir un justificatif de domicile. (I would like to benefit from the “Justif’Adresse” system, which enables the French Ministry of the Interior to automatically verify my address with a service provider of my choice. If this verification is successful, I will not need to provide proof of address. However, if this verification is unsuccessful, I will need to provide proof of address.)
- J’ai pris connaissance et j’accepte les conditions générales d’utilisation. J’autorise la communication de mes données personnelles suivantes : nom, prénom et code postal au fournisseur de gaz ou d’électricité que je vais choisir. En retour, je l’autorise à communiquer mon adresse à l’administration. (I have read and accept the general conditions of use. I authorize the disclosure of the following personal data: first name, last name and postal code to the gas or electricity supplier of my choice. In return, I authorize the supplier to communicate my address to the administration.)
- Sélectionnez votre fournisseur de gaz ou d’électricité (Select your gas or electricity supplier)
- Merci de préciser le nom et le prénom qui figurent sur votre justificatif de domicile (Please select the first and last names shown on your proof of address)
4. Photo / Signature (Photo / Signature)
Photo et signature (Photo and signature)
- Merci de sélectionner l’une des options ci-dessous (Please select one of the options below)
- Je dispose d’une photo et d’une signature numérique (I have a photo and a digital signature)
- Saisissez votre code photo signature numérique ci-dessous (Enter your digital photo signature code below)
- Je dispose d’une photo d’identité classique (I have a standard ID photo)
- Je dispose d’une photo et d’une signature numérique (I have a photo and a digital signature)
5. Pièces justificatives (Supporting documents)
Traduction (par un traducteur agréé) du titre du permis de conduire (Translation [by a sworn translator] of driver’s license document)
- We had our driver’s licenses translated from English to French by a sworn translator and uploaded the translations to our applications.
Permis de conduire actuel (Current driver’s license)
- We uploaded scans of the fronts and backs of our driver’s licenses to our applications.
Justificatif de résidence normale en France (Proof of legal residence in France)
- We uploaded scans of the fronts and backs of our salaried worker residence permits to our applications.
Attestation de droits à conduire (Driving history record)
- We ordered hard copies of our driving history records from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and uploaded scans of them to our applications. We ended up realizing that we could have used the cheaper “view only” option to obtain a PDF version instead of paying more to receive the records in the mail, so we recommend doing that if you can!
Pièce d’identité (Proof of identity)
- We uploaded scans of the fronts and backs of our salaried worker residence permits to our applications.
Copie intégrale d’extrait d’acte de naissance (ou livret de famille) [Birth certificate (or family record book)]
- We uploaded scans of our birth certificates to our applications.
Traduction (par un traducteur agrée) de l’attestation de droits à conduire (Translation [by a sworn translator] of driving history record)
- We had our driving history records translated from English to French by a sworn translator and uploaded the translations. Maria had to do this procedure twice, as her first record was deemed too old by the time her application was opened by an agent. It’s worth noting that my record was older than Maria’s at the time that my application was opened, but it was accepted by the agent without a problem.
Autres types de pièces (Other documents)
- Passeport (Passport)
- We uploaded scans of the ID pages of our passports to our applications.
- Attestation sur l’honneur concernant la date de réussite de l’examen du permis de conduire (Affidavit of successful driving test date)
- French driver’s licenses display the date on which the holder passed their driving test, and in the absence of proof of said date, we uploaded affidavits. The agents did not end up using the dates we proposed, opting instead to subtract three years from the issue date of our most recent American driver’s licenses (presumably because in France, one’s first license is a probationary one, lasting for three years).
- Lettre renonçant aux catégories lourdes (Letter opting out of heavyweight vehicle certifications)
- We don’t have the qualifications to drive heavyweight vehicles, so we submitted a letter expressly waiving the transfer of these types of certifications.
- Acte de mariage (Marriage certificate)
- We requested new marriage certificates, given they have a validity of three months, from the Reims town hall, then uploaded them to our application.
Though it wasn’t the most complex administrative process we’ve ever tackled as Americans in France, patience was key! From submitting our applications to getting our new French licenses, it took five months for me and seven months for Maria.
Our Driver’s License Exchange Timeline
- September 13th, 2023: The validity of Jalen’s salaried worker residence permit begins, kicking off the one-year countdown for him to submit a driver’s license exchange application.
- November 6th, 2023: The validity of Maria’s salaried worker residence permit begins, kicking off the one-year countdown for her to submit a driver’s license exchange application.
- November 20th, 2023: We order our driving history records from the DMV. We request that they be delivered to trusted contacts in the United States, who agreed to forward them to us in France.
- November 27th, 2023: Jalen’s driving history record arrives in the mail at the trusted contact’s home.
- December 8th, 2023: Maria calls the DMV to ask about the status of her driving history record, and the DMV agrees to mail out another copy.
- December 13th, 2023: Maria’s driving history record arrives in the mail at the trusted contact’s home.
- January 20th, 2024: Our trusted contact mails our driving history records to us in France.
- February 19th, 2024: We receive our driving history records in the mail and we request new marriage certificates from the Reims town hall online.
- February 23rd, 2024: We hire a sworn translator to translate our English-language documents to French.
- February 26th, 2024: We receive our marriage certificates in the mail.
- March 4th, 2024: We receive the first drafts of our translated documents via email.
- March 5th, 2024: We send corrections for the translated documents via email.
- March 9th, 2024: We pick up the hard copies of our translated documents.
- March 12th, 2024: We take photos at a photo booth to be submitted on our driver’s license exchange application.
- March 16th, 2024: We fill out and submit our driver’s license exchange applications on France Titres. We each receive a confirmation of submission via email and text.
- July 30th, 2024: Jalen receives a text message and an email giving him four months to turn in his American license by lettre recommandée avec accusé de reception (registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt). Maria receives a text message and an email asking her to upload a more recent driving history record. We both are given the deadline of November 30th, 2024. Maria orders a new driving history record and hires a sworn translator to translate the updated document into French.
- July 31st, 2024: Jalen sends in his American license by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
- August 6th, 2024: Jalen receives an email and a text message from France Titres confirming that they have received his American license and accepted his exchange request.
- August 8th, 2024: Maria receives her translated document and uploads it, along with the original, to her application.
- August 16th, 2024: Jalen receives a text message alerting him that mail requiring his signature will be delivered soon.
- August 19th, 2024: La Poste attempts to deliver Jalen’s mail during work hours. Jalen requests La Poste deliver the mail to our local post office for him to pick up.
- August 21st, 2024: Jalen stops by our local post office and is told that his mail has not yet been delivered. The agent instructs him to wait to receive a notification.
- August 22nd, 2024: Despite not receiving a notification, Jalen stops by our local post office and is told that his mail has been available since August 19th. He signs for his new French driver’s license.
- August 27th, 2024: Maria calls France Titres to ask about the status of her application following their request for updated documentation. She is informed that her application is now complete and that she will be contacted shortly with further instructions.
- September 2nd, 2024: Maria receives a text message and an email giving her four months to turn in her American license by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
- September 4th, 2024: Maria sends in her American license by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
- September 9th, 2024: Maria receives an email and a text message from France Titres confirming that they have received her American license and accepted her exchange request.
- September 19th, 2024: Maria receives a text message alerting her that mail requiring her signature will be delivered soon.
- September 21st, 2024: Maria signs for her new French driver’s license.
For now, our lifestyle in Greater Paris doesn’t require us to drive, but we’re relieved that our license exchange is done and that we officially have French driver’s licenses should we ever need them (without having to spend any time or money on French driving school!). Have questions about our experience? Let us know in a comment!
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Do you know what happens if you return to the US and wish to drive, since you no longer have that license? Thanks!
Jalen & Maria
Good question! It seems to vary by state. For short-term trips (under six months) to our home state of Virginia, for example, we’d be able to drive with our French licenses.