Jalen holds L'OBS magazine.
Learn French

Five Reasons the News is a Great French-Learning Resource

There isn’t only one way to learn the French language. The path to learning French looks different for each learner because everyone has their own tendencies, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. This article falls into a series of posts about different resources that you can use during your own French journey to help you reach your language-learning goals. Keep reading to find out about using the news as a French resource.

Today’s world is hyper-connected. We have the power to know the goings-on in any given part of the world at any time, and often this information is disseminated through news sources. News sources are omnipresent in the contemporary world and give you, as a student of the French language, a great opportunity to take advantage of them!

Take a look at the list below for the top five reasons to consider the news as a tool in your journey to French fluency. Afterwards, scroll down for my personal recommendations.

1. It’s Low-cost

Sometimes, people think that learning a language requires a lot of money. However, paying for classes, CDs, grammar books, and other costly products is not always necessary. While this may be the case for more obscure languages without plentiful resources for learners, French is not included amongst them. For learners of French, news is readily available and is often affordable or even free.

2. It Strengthens Vocabulary

It’s common for French-language students who have a grasp on grammar concepts to lack when it comes to vocabulary strength. Using news sources has the potential to patch up those vocabulary holes. Good grammar is an important step in speaking French but, a rich vocabulary will take you from mediocre to excellent! Consuming the language through news sources will allow you to see and recognize new words as well as give you detailed context in which to use them.

3. It’s Accessible

News doesn’t just come in the form of newspapers nowadays. It’s online, in print, and on television. It is almost impossible to escape – and that is exactly why you should embrace it! If you have a phone, computer, or television, then you have news. Don’t miss out on the opportunity.

4. It Keeps You Informed

Another reason that the news is a great thing to use for your language learning is that it keeps you informed. By using the news as a resource, you are killing two birds with one stone. Knowing the affairs of the world is important, but especially so with regard to the French language and culture. The French love talking about the state of affairs and debating. Taking advantage of news sources will give you what you need to talk the talk and walk the walk.

5. It’s Diverse

The last reason that the news is an awesome tool for learning French is that it covers almost every topic you can imagine. There is something for everyone! Whatever you are interested in, there is probably a news source that reports on that topic. This way, you don’t have to consume something that’s boring to you, but you can enjoy yourself while effortlessly improving your French skills.

Jalen’s Suggestions


Although magazines aren’t my go-to source for the news, they contain plenty of interesting information that can aide you in mastering the French language. My favorite magazine is L’OBS. Not only is the content of each issue great, it also keeps things interesting with attractive, high-quality photos as well as interesting typography and graphic design.

  • Pro tip: Check your local library or even a nearby university’s library to see what magazines they subscribe to. You may be able to take advantage of a subscription without having to pay.
Smartphone Applications

This is my bread and butter when it comes to getting my French news! I ALWAYS have my phone on me, so having smartphone news applications is a no-brainer. My preferred app is RFi. It has a great user interface that is sleek and user-friendly, and it covers a wide variety of news-worthy topics around the world.


News websites often have a desktop and mobile version of their website, but in my opinion, the desktop version is typically more agreeable to navigate. If I am at home or in a place where using a computer makes more sense, I would catch up on news using websites like France24 or Le Monde.

  • Pro tip: News websites sometimes cap the quantity of free articles that you can read every month. So, if you don’t plan on paying for an online subscription, make sure you choose your articles wisely. It can be hard sometimes!
Social Media

Using social media to get your news is a great and creative way to do so. Of course, you can follow any of the news sources that you like on their respective social media accounts such as their Facebook page or Twitter account, but social media also allows you to follow specific people and creative reporting sources that don’t publish magazines or newspapers. For example, instead of settling for following Le Monde on twitter, try to find a specific reporter that you like. Equally as cool, on Facebook there are video-only news sources such as Brut. that create engaging and informative content.

If you already use the news as a tool to boost your French knowledge or know of any other sources, leave a comment letting us know! We’d love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for reading!

Check out the other posts in this series!

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