Eight Best Instagrams to Follow for French Learners
Your journey to French fluency doesn’t have to be limited to textbooks and flashcards. In fact, the more language-learning resources you surround yourself with, the more opportunities there are to improve your French. Jalen and I have compiled some of…
How to Visit Picturesque Nancy, France on a Budget
Going on a fun vacation in France can be really expensive. However, your wanderlust doesn’t have to be stifled by a small budget – Jalen and I would know! After spending a year teaching English with the Teaching Assistant Program…
How to Study in France as A Couple and What it’s Really Like
Jalen and I do most things together. We both studied French and International Affairs at the University of Mary Washington, participated in the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) simultaneously, and now we’re pursuing degrees together at the Université de…
Two Most Important Expat Traits
Immigrating to another country requires certain qualities that expats must continuously nurture in order to live a fulfilling life abroad. After participating in the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) and completing the first year of our master’s degrees in…
Studying in France as Americans: Finished with Year One of our Master’s Degrees
Believe it or not, Jalen and I have finished the first year of our master’s degrees at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, meaning that we officially have a Master 1 in Logistics and Public Law respectively! Keep reading for the…
Four Things to Know Before Coming to School in France
Real talk: Deciding to study in France is a choice that you should weigh very carefully. Enrolling in French graduate school isn’t a simple way to hang out abroad but rather a serious undertaking that comes with obstacles and requires…