Four Useful Things TAPIF Taught Me

    The Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) is a sort of “Choose Your Own Adventure” program. TAPIF assistants hail from all over the United States and Canada, have a variety of educational backgrounds, and often have vastly different motivations for…

  • Jalen with a SNCF bus.
    Life in France

    Life in France without a Car

    When Jalen and I arrived in France in September 2019, we were faced with the reality of no longer having personal vehicles at our disposal. As such, we worried about the inconvenience of relying fully on public transit. Growing up…

  • A photo of groceries.

    Budgeting For Our Year With TAPIF

    Teaching with the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) is a wonderful opportunity for native English speakers to live abroad for a school year. One of the major perks of the program is receiving a monthly salary, but TAPIF participants…