How to Visit Picturesque Nancy, France on a Budget
Going on a fun vacation in France can be really expensive. However, your wanderlust doesn’t have to be stifled by a small budget – Jalen and I would know! After spending a year teaching English with the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) and a year pursuing our French master’s degrees, we know how to live and travel frugally.
Most recently, we took a weekend trip to Nancy, France in the Grand Est region of France for under 150 € each. Read on to learn how to visit Nancy’s must-see attractions without breaking the bank!
1. Book cheap train tickets.
The SNCF is France’s national railway company responsible for train travel all over the country. One great option to cut the cost of taking the train is using OUIGO, a subsidiary of the SNCF that offers low cost, high-speed trains.
For our trip from Reims to Nancy, our round-trip tickets cost us just 20 € each.
2. Get affordable accommodation with Airbnb.
Airbnb offers cheap rentals in cities worldwide. Often times, booking with Airbnb is more economical than staying in a hotel and gives guests the added bonus of a kitchen and comfortable atmosphere.
We stayed in a studio with a fully-equipped kitchen, updated bathroom, and balcony for just 35 € a night, all fees included.
3. Grocery shop at your destination.
Eating out for every meal on vacation is expensive! Preparing just one or two meals per day at the Airbnb instead of eating out can save a lot of money.
For two breakfasts and two lunches, we spent 20 € total at the local Monoprix.
4. Visit scenic outdoor spots for free.
France’s natural landscape and outdoor spaces are beautiful, and much of it is free to enjoy. From manicured parks, to spectacular views, to attractive city squares, hanging out outside is a key part of any French travel itinerary.
We visited six outdoor sites without charge in Nancy.
5. Tour fascinating museums at no cost.
Visiting museums is a wonderful opportunity to cultivate your mind on vacation. France is a country rich in history, art, and culture, meaning there are museums worth checking out at every turn. The best part is that French museums are often free or discounted for a myriad of visitors, like minors, young adults, students, disabled people, the unemployed, and more.
We went to three museums in Nancy for free.
6. Check out the local churches free of charge.
France’s strong religious heritage is visible through the abundance of intricate churches, cathedrals, basilicas, and chapels. In most cases, a self-guided tours of churches are totally free and similar to a museum experience.
We toured one cathedral in Nancy free of charge.
7. Take advantage of public transport.
If you’d like to travel farther than your feet can take you on vacation, using public transport is a cheap option. Some French cities allow passengers to travel for free, and many others offer low-cost rides on the bus, the tram, or the métro.
We used Nancy’s tram without paying a cent because the cities’ public transit is free for everyone on the weekends.
8. Use your savings to treat yourself to delicious meals and desserts.
Being thrifty on vacation means you have the ability to splurge on yummy food! Going out for one meal a day is an affordable way to try local restaurants without overindulging or draining your wallet.
We tried two restaurants, one café, and one ice cream shop in Nancy for a total of 38 € each.
Enjoying an exciting vacation on a budget is not only totally possible, but also easy to achieve! Our weekend in Nancy was filled with delicious food, relaxation, educational opportunities, and cultural activities all for under 150 € each. How do you make your vacations affordable? Where would you like to visit in France? Let us know in a comment!
Check out our travel vlog for more about our vacation in Nancy, France!
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