Eight Best Instagrams to Follow for French Learners
Your journey to French fluency doesn’t have to be limited to textbooks and flashcards. In fact, the more language-learning resources you surround yourself with, the more opportunities there are to improve your French. Jalen and I have compiled some of our favorite Instagram accounts that will accompany you on your quest to learn French. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student of French, you’ll love our suggestions!
1. @ohmyfrenchclass
Sam is a native French speaker who posts daily content about French vocabulary, French memes, French slang, and more.
2. @speakfrenchforreal
Célia is a French teacher and polyglot. Her content is an attractive mix of quotes from famous French people and photos that illustrate French culture.
3. @easyfrenchvideos
The Easy French team posts videos of short interviews with French speakers. Their trendy content teaches topical vocabulary and useful phrases about a variety of subjects.
4. @offbeatfrance
Leyla posts bilingual content about France that is both educational and entertaining. Her series La Minute Française keeps Francophiles up to date with France’s latest news and always includes practical French vocabulary.
5. @street_french
Charlie and Maïa are an intercultural couple passionate about teaching informal French. Their content will help you boost your French conversation skills for casual settings.
6. @laclassdestelle
Estelle is a native French speaker who shares helpful vocabulary lessons, beautiful photos of France, and mini grammar lessons.
7. @smileinfrench
Anna teaches French through adorable, narrated cartoons. Her silly posts will make you laugh, teach you new words, and improve your listening skills.
8. @frenchsunnyside
Jessica is a French teacher with an unconventional style. Her unique approach centers mindfulness, wellness, confidence, and self-discovery.
Which Instagrams will you follow? What’s your favorite way to add a bit of French learning into your daily life? Let us know in a comment!
Check out our French book suggestions for more language-learning material!
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